woman learning How To Ace The SAT

How To Ace The SAT With These 15 Proven Strategies

In valuable SAT tips and strategies, we will discuss how to ace the SAT exam with ease. Learn how to appropriately prep for the test, the best time to start studying, and what types of practice questions to focus on. Mastering these tools will help you to successfully excel in your SAT.

What’s The SAT Format Like?

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The SAT is a 3 hour 50 minute exam (including an optional essay which takes 50 minutes), consisting of five sections: Reading, Writing, Math (with calculator), and Math (no calculator). The test is divided into the following sections

1. Evidence-Based Reading and Writing

This section consists of:

  • Reading: 52 standard multiple-choice questions
  • Writing and Language: 44 standard multiple-choice questions
  • Total time for this section is 100 minutes.

2. Mathematics

This section consists of:

  • 45 standard multiple-choice questions
  • 13 student-produced response questions
  • Total time for this section is 25 minutes for the no-calculator portion and 55 minutes for the calculator portion

3. Optional Essay

The essay section is 50 minutes long.
Students are required to analyze a provided source and write an essay.

Scoring System

The SAT is scored on a scale of 400 to 1600, with separate scores provided for the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) section (200 to 800) and the Math section (200 to 800). The Essay is scored separately on a scale of 6 to 24. The total score is the sum of the ERW and Math scores, with the Essay score reported separately. 

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What Does Acing The SAT Mean?

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Acing the SAT refers to getting a score over 1400. Getting this score will make you competitive for admission to the vast majority of colleges, and based on past results, if you get a score higher than 1400, you’ll likely score better than 95% of students who take the SAT. To get this score, you’ll only be able to miss a handful of questions on each section.

For the most selective colleges, you may need a score of 1550 or higher for your SAT score to help your chances of getting in. Depending on your college goals, figure out your target score and what a good score would be for you. Regardless of whether you’re aiming for a 1400 or a 1600, if you follow the advice in this article, you’ll be on the path to success.

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Our tool helps you add citations, it helps you rewrite content so that it’s undetectable by AI, and so much more, all to protect students’ time and let them focus on actually learning the content! So Chegg users, High School and college students, and anyone writing papers, use Conch to make your student life easier and bypass AI detection tools with ease. Conch AI has over +1 million users to date and growing. 

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How To Ace The SAT With These 10 Effective Strategies

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1. Create an SAT Study Schedule

I recommend creating a strategic study plan based on your strengths and weaknesses of test content. Focus on learning the material you’ve not performed well on, but also continue to practice material you have mastered. 

To create your study schedule, start by choosing an SAT test date. Once you know when the test will take place, you can begin scheduling regular study sessions. Try to budget at least 2-3 hours a week for studying. You want to keep the material fresh in your mind without burning out before test day.

2. Use Official Practice Questions

The best questions to study from are those that will most closely resemble the questions that appear on the SAT. The SAT is unlike tests you’ve taken in school, and its format is unique. The more comfortable you get with correctly answering the types of questions that will be on the SAT, the better you’re likely to do on the test. A huge flaw of many test prep books is that their practice questions are either much harder or much easier than those you’ll find on the SAT. 

Also, some books present questions in a different format than that of the SAT. Instead of relying on those sources to prepare, you should focus on studying with official practice problems. The best study resources are official practice tests provided by the College Board. Also, Khan Academy has partnered with the College Board and provides additional official practice questions. The official PSAT practice test has quality practice questions.

3. Increase Your Reading Speed

I suggest increasing your reading speed to ace the SAT. Reading the questions quickly and accurately is crucial for success on the Reading section, allowing you to get through long passages fast without losing track of key points. By decreasing the time it takes you to read questions and passages on the test, you’ll have more time for contemplating the answers. 

Being a more efficient reader means you have more time for critical thinking and answering questions. Reading through and practicing SAT questions will help you become more familiar with the question structure and language. You can also research ways to increase your reading and comprehension speed.

4. Target the Mistakes You Can Control

Even if you can’t predict or control not knowing an answer, I highly recommend focusing on mistakes you can control, such as time pressure, question comprehension, and careless errors. Taking a timed practice test can help you get used to the speed and pressure. 

When taking practice SAT tests, set a timer for the amount of time you’ll actually have on test day. You can also practice increasing your efficiency by timing individual questions. By becoming more comfortable with the time limits, you’re less likely to make careless errors.

5. Upgrade Your Math Techniques

I suggest working on your problem-solving skills to improve your math techniques. Even if most of your wrong answers are due to a lack of subject knowledge, understanding the concepts is key. You may feel confident in your math knowledge but still get low scores due to:

  • Calculation errors
  • Multiple choice mistakes
  • Misreading the questions

Start with the questions you missed on your practice test. Before you look at the answer guide, re-solve each question on your own. If you can get to the correct answer, figure out where your initial calculation error was and work on fixing that issue.

6. Improve Your Time Management

I recommend improving your time management as poor time management is one of the main causes of low SAT scores. Improving your time management can significantly increase your SAT score simply because you’ll be able to give adequate time to each question. 

Each question on the test is worth the same amount of points, and there is no penalty for guessing or leaving an answer blank. So you want to make sure get the points from all the easy questions rather than getting hung up on the harder questions.

7. Answer the Questions You Know First

A common test-taking strategy for the SAT is to go through the current section you’re taking and answer all the questions you know first. If you can quickly fill out the questions you know, you’ll have more time to work out the questions you aren’t as confident on. If a question is taking you longer than a couple of minutes to understand, skip the question and mark it in your test booklet to remind you to come back to it later.

8. Eliminate Incorrect Answers

While tackling SAT questions you’re not immediately certain about the answer, try eliminating answers you know are incorrect. If you can eliminate some of the four possible options, your chances of guessing correctly increase. Even if you have no clue what the correct answer is, you can sometimes eliminate answers based on the context of the question. “Process of elimination is your best friend,” said Minor.

9. Don’t Leave Any Questions Blank

Do your best to answer every single question. Budget time to go back to any questions you skipped and don’t be afraid to just start filling in circles if you run out of time. Even if you don’t know the answer, you should at least guess. Your score won’t be penalized for incorrect answers, but rather totaled up from correct answers. This means that your score has a 25% chance of being correct if you guess, while you’ll have zero chance of getting points if you leave it blank.

10. Take the SAT More Than Once, If Possible

I highly recommend taking the SAT more than once as research has shown that retaking the SAT can lead to higher scores. This may be because you know what to expect the second time around and have spent more time preparing for the exam. You may qualify for a fee waiver if you meet the College Board’s requirements, making retaking the SAT more affordable.

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5 SAT Tips For Exam Day To Ace The Exam

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1. The Night Before the Exam

  • Ensure to pack your test-taking supplies, such as #2 pencils, calculator, admission paperwork, and photo ID the night before the SAT. This will prevent any last-minute scrambling and ensure you’re prepared. 
  • Prioritize a nutritious dinner to fuel your body and brain for the upcoming test day. Aim to get plenty of rest to maximize your cognitive functions. If you find it beneficial, consider practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation to ease any nerves.

2. The Morning of the Exam

Wake Up Energize

Avoid rolling out of bed at the last minute and rushing into the test environment. Allocate ample time to wake up fully and prepare yourself before heading out. Kickstart your morning by taking a refreshing shower to ensure you are alert and ready to take on the day.

Jumpstart Your Brain

Engaging in a brief exercise session before leaving home on test day can significantly benefit your performance. Physical activity boosts blood circulation, delivering oxygen to your brain, which can enhance your concentration and cognitive abilities. Dedicate 10-15 minutes to exercises like push-ups or jumping jacks to get your heart rate up.

3. Breakfast Matters

Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast containing foods like oatmeal, fruits, or granola. Opt for a wholesome breakfast over sugary options to sustain your energy levels during the long test duration. A balanced meal will prevent distracting hunger pangs during the exam.

4. Stick to Your Routine

If you typically consume coffee or tea before starting your day, it’s acceptable to maintain this habit on the day of the SAT. Refrain from experimenting with new substances like caffeine, energy drinks, or medications that could have adverse effects on your well-being and focus. Stick to your regular routine to maintain stability.

5. Arrive Ahead of Time

Plan your journey to the test center meticulously to ensure you arrive promptly. If the testing location is unfamiliar to you, consider visiting it beforehand to familiarize yourself with the route and venue. Since the admission time usually falls between 7:45 and 8:00 a.m., verify the exact timing on your admission ticket and account for potential delays due to crowded testing centers, parking issues, or registration formalities.

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Our tool helps you add citations, it helps you rewrite content so that it’s undetectable by AI, and so much more, all to protect students’ time and let them focus on actually learning the content! So Chegg users, High School and college students, and anyone writing papers, use Conch to make your student life easier and bypass AI detection tools with ease. Conch AI has over +1 million users to date and growing. 

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