person attempting Digital SAT Tips

15 Highly Effective Digital SAT Tips For Acing The Test

If you’re preparing for the SAT and looking to boost your score, then digital SAT tips could be a game-changer! Today, we’re delving into a topic that’s guaranteed to help you unlock the secrets of SAT success. Follow along to discover everything you need to know about acing the test, from how to study effectively to the top test-taking skills you need to succeed. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time test taker, this is the ultimate guide for mastering SAT Tips.

The SAT Goes Digital

person trying to get Digital SAT Tips

The College Board is in the process of transitioning the SAT to a new digital format. This new format is set to roll out for international students in Spring 2023, with US students following suit in Spring 2024. By this time, all students taking the SAT will be required to take the digital version of the exam as the paper format will no longer be offered. To take the digital SAT, students will need an approved digital device such as a Windows laptop or tablet, an Apple Mac laptop or iPad, or a school-issued device like a tablet or Chromebook. 

The College Board’s custom testing app, Bluebook, will be used to download the exam, complete it on test day, and access additional study materials. Because of the differences in format between the digital SAT and its paper predecessor, it’s crucial for test-takers to prepare with a study plan that’s specifically designed for the new digital exam.

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The Format Of The Digital SAT

man practicing with Digital SAT Tips

Reading and Writing, and Math, with a total test duration of 2 hours and 14 minutes. Students have 64 minutes for the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes for the Math section.

Each section is split into two equal-length modules, separated by a 10-minute break. The first module in each section includes a mix of easy, medium, and hard questions. Depending on how well students perform in the first module, the second module’s questions will be adjusted in difficulty.

Compared to the ACT, the SAT offers 68% more time per question, as shown in the following breakdown:

Reading and Writing

64 minutes (two 32-minute modules) with 54 questions/tasks.


70 minutes (two 35-minute modules) with 44 questions.


134 minutes for 98 questions/tasks.

Most questions on the SAT are multiple-choice, though some math questions require entering the answer rather than selecting it. Importantly, there is no penalty for guessing on any of the questions, so it’s encouraged to make an educated guess rather than leaving a response blank.

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15 Highly Effective Digital SAT Tips For Acing The Test

man in house working with Digital SAT Tips

1. Get Comfortable with the New Digital Format

The first step to mastering the Digital SAT is to become comfortable with the new format and the Bluebook app. Instead of using a pencil and paper to take notes or make calculations, you will need to get used to navigating the test interface. 

For the math section, use the on-screen calculator strategically. Avoid using it for simple calculations or as a crutch for every problem. Knowing when to rely on mental math can save you valuable seconds. Take advantage of practice tests available online and make sure you’re comfortable with the digital tools, such as highlighting and flagging questions.

2. Manage Your Time Wisely

Just like the traditional SAT, time management is crucial when taking the Digital SAT. The clock is ticking, and you need to allocate your time wisely for each section. Practice time management strategies during your preparation to ensure you can complete all the questions within the allocated time. 

The Digital SAT also includes short breaks between sections. Use these breaks fully and wisely. Step away from the computer, stretch, and take deep breaths to recharge and refocus. If you struggle with time management, distraction, ADHD, or time sense (internalizing how long things take), consider working with Executive Function Tutor.

3. Download the Bluebook App

Bluebook is the College Board’s official testing platform. You won’t be able to take the digital SAT if you don’t have this app. Bluebook also provides digital SAT study materials, including four official digital SAT practice exams! 

This is all great information that can make studying for the digital SAT more effective. To download Bluebook to your device, follow this link on the College Board’s official website.

4. Thoroughly Familiarize with the Testing Program’s Features

You do not want the actual test to be the first time you use the testing program. The Digital SAT will have several features to help you as you take your exam, including a clock to see how much time remains on your testing module, a flagging feature to highlight questions you want to return to, a crossing-out feature so you can eliminate incorrect answers, a zoom feature to read graphics and reading material more easily, an annotation feature to make notes as you read, a built-in graphing calculator you can use throughout the math program, and a reference sheet you can click on should you need a geometry or trigonometry formula.

5. Strengthen Your Digital Literacy

As part of your test prep, make sure you have solid digital literacy skills. This includes typing efficiently, getting used to reading comprehension passages on a screen, using keyboard shortcuts, and navigating through different sections of the test smoothly. 

You should also feel comfortable with the in-app graphing calculator, even if you plan to bring your own. The better you are at these skills, the less stressed you’ll feel during the actual exam.

6. Practice, Practice, Practice

Success on the SAT, digital or otherwise, comes with practice. Utilize the numerous practice materials available, such as official College Board practice tests and third-party resources like Khan Academy’s practice modules. 

Regular practice will help you become familiar with the types of questions you’ll encounter and improve your problem-solving abilities. Our tutors provide students with personalized assignments using authentic materials that are then corrected and analyzed to provide constructive feedback.

7. Learn from Your Mistakes

After each practice test, review your mistakes thoroughly. Understand why you got certain questions wrong and learn from those errors. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes on the actual Digital SAT.

8. Review Content Areas

While the format may have changed, the content areas tested on the Digital SAT remain the same. Concentrate on fundamental knowledge. The Digital SAT will test core competencies in reading, writing, and math. 

Ensuring a solid foundation in these areas is essential. Practice reading diverse texts and writing clear, concise responses. Focus on understanding and analyzing passages. Reinforce your understanding of algebra, geometry, and basic trigonometry through practice problems and digital math tools

9. Develop a Personalized Study Plan

Create a study plan tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Focus more on areas where you need improvement, but don’t neglect your strong points either. Consistency is key, so stick to your study schedule and take advantage of opportunities to work one-on-one with a tutor who can gauge your specific strengths and areas that need improvement.

10. Focus on Understanding the Question

If a question asks for the circumference and you instead calculate the area, you will be incorrect. Take time to thoroughly understand what is being asked.

11. Come Back to Questions If Needed

Do not look at skipping a question as a sign that you have given up. Instead, use it as an opportunity to let your subconscious mind process the question while you consider other questions. Flag the question and revisit it after some time has gone by, and you will likely notice something that you did not previously see.

12. Write As Much as You Would Like on the Scrap Paper and with the Annotation Feature

Make notes as you read the reading texts, highlight important phrases in the writing texts, and draw pictures and write out equations in the math. Writing will help you clarify what is being asked and notice patterns so that you can arrive at a solution.

13. Use the Full Amount of Time

The SAT is not a race—there is no prize for finishing first. Also, since the questions are often challenging, you will be best served by taking your time to do the questions once well instead of doing them repeatedly, making the same mistakes. Pace yourself so that you finish your work right as time is called.

14. Know That There Will Be One Definite Answer to Each Question

The College Board goes to extraordinary lengths to be sure that test questions are fair and have a definitive answer. Each question is independently reviewed by several test developers or educators before it makes it onto an actual SAT. 

Each test question is pre-tested on hundreds of students to be sure it performs as expected prior to inclusion on a real SAT. Given these checks, you can be assured that the questions are well-crafted. Do not overthink the questions because you are looking for a trick. Instead, give the SAT the benefit of the doubt and if you do not see a correct answer, review the texts and the questions to be sure you did not miss anything.

15. Stay Positive and Confident

Believe in yourself and your abilities! A positive mindset can boost your confidence and overall performance. The Digital SAT is just one aspect of your college application, and your hard work will pay off.

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So Chegg users, High School and college students, and anyone writing papers, use Conch to make your student life easier and bypass AI detection tools with ease. Conch AI has over +1 million users to date and growing. 

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