Mastering SAT Math tips is a great way to boost your test scores and get into the college of your dreams. If you’re looking to crush the SAT test, then be sure to stick around for this blog on SAT Math tips. With the right strategies, you could see a significant improvement in your math score. Let’s dive right into some extraordinary SAT tips!
What To Expect In The SAT Math Section

The SAT Math section examines various algebraic concepts. These questions test students’ knowledge of linear equations in one variable, linear equations in two variables, linear functions, systems of two linear equations in two variables, and more. Expect between 13-15 questions from this topic.
Advanced Math Skills in the SAT Math Section
The SAT Math section includes advanced math questions that challenge students to explore equivalent expressions, nonlinear equations in one variable, systems of equations in two variables, nonlinear functions, and other challenging concepts. You can expect between 13-15 questions from this topic.
Solving Problems and Data Analysis on the SAT Math Section
In this section, students are required to apply quantitative reasoning to solve problems related to ratios, rates, proportional relationships, percentages, probability, and evaluate sample statistics. You can expect 5-7 questions from this topic.
Questions on Geometry and Trigonometry in the SAT Math Section
The SAT Math section also includes geometry and trigonometry questions to test students’ understanding of lines, angles, circles, right triangles, and right triangle trigonometry. Expect between 5-7 questions from this topic.
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What’s Changed In The Math Section For The Digital SAT

Calculator Use
I’ve noticed that the College Board has made some significant changes to the Math section for the new digital SAT compared to the paper test. One of the most important changes is the use of calculators in the Math section. In the new digital format, calculators are now allowed throughout the entire Math section.
This is a significant departure from the paper SAT, which had a section where students were not allowed to use calculators. In the new digital format, students can use a graphing calculator built into the test interface, so all students have equal access to this resource.
Question Length
Another change in the Math section of the new digital SAT is the average length of the word problems. The questions on the Math section of the new SAT are shorter. Although these questions still assess students’ ability to apply math skills to real-world situations, they are shorter in the new digital format. The idea is to make the questions less of a barrier for some students.
Test Structure
The Math section is now divided into two 35-minute modules in the new digital SAT. The first module contains a mix of easy, medium, and hard questions. These questions are arranged from the easiest to the hardest. The performance on Module 1 determines if a student gets an easier or harder Module 2. This new test structure is aimed at providing a more personalized test-taking experience for students.
Question Types
In the new digital SAT, there have been some changes to the types of questions students can expect on the Math section. The majority of questions (around 75%) are still multiple-choice questions with four answer options. The remaining 25% of questions are student-produced response questions. In these questions, students have to enter their own answer. This change in question types is aimed at assessing students’ ability to apply math skills in a new way.
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10 SAT Math Tips For Preparation & Before The Test

1. Master The Skills
I am often asked, “What math skills do I need to know for the SAT?” And this is a great question to ask. If you haven’t prepared for the test, it can be daunting to walk into a situation you know nothing about. But why not shine a little light on that situation before you step into it? That’s what this blog post is all about! And if you want to do well on your SAT Math exam, you know that mastering the skills is essential.
I’ve got a list of the 24 skills tested on the SAT Math Test, so you are always prepared. For those of you who are visual learners, I have a graphic that represents the concepts that will be on the test.
Here they are:
- Single Variable Equations
- Systems of Linear Functions
- Absolute Value
- Manipulating Polynomials
- Quadratic Equations
- Dividing Polynomials
- Exponential Functions
- Solving Exponential Equations
- Systems of Equations with Non-Linear Equations
- Ratios & Proportions
- Scatter Plots & Graphs
- Categorical Data & Probabilities
- Experimental Interpretation
- Mean, Median, Mode & Standard Deviation
- Trigonometry
- Complex Numbers
- Coordinate Geometry
- Non-Linear Functions
- Lines & Slopes
- Geometry
- Circles, Lines & Angles
- Triangles & Polygons
Memorize these skills and you will be well on your way to a successful SAT Math Test. And as a side note, if you haven’t yet learned the skills on the list, I have a blog post that answers the question “What math skills do I need to know to study for the SAT?” It’s a great resource for students who are just starting out on their SAT journey.
2. Memorizing Formulas
You’re on your way to a successful SAT Math Test! You’ve got the skills down. Now, you need to memorize common formulas. Can you believe that the test will give you some formulas at the beginning of the math section? You get a cheat sheet!
What a great opportunity to do well on the test! But remember, if you don’t memorize some formulas, you’ll miss out on some easy points. It’s well worth the time to memorize these formulas. You probably have a few of these down from math class already!
3. Take A Practice Test
So, you’ve learned the skills and memorized the formulas. You need to put that knowledge to the test. And what better way to do this than by taking a practice test! I recommend that you take at least two timed tests. The more, the merrier. You will find that your score will continue to improve as you practice with these tests.
Here’s the deal: practice tests will help you figure out and correct your deficits. If you find that you are continually getting questions in the same topic area wrong, then you need to devote more study time to that area. Practice tests will also help you manage your time. You’ll be able to see where you spend most of your time and where you spend the least time. This is really important for you to know when you are taking the real test!
4. Work On Your Mistakes And Unknown Questions
So, you’ve taken a practice test and now you need to analyze your mistakes and correct them. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you will lose points on the SAT Math Test. You don’t want to do that! The good news is that after you take a practice test, you’ll be able to look over your mistakes and figure out how to answer the question. This is valuable practice for when you double-check your real SAT Math Test.
5. Focus On Problem Areas
You have to be smart with your time when you are studying for the test. Even if you are studying for hours every day, it doesn’t matter if you are studying the right things. You don’t want to waste time studying areas that you are really good at – especially if you are practicing those areas in school already. Instead, focus on areas where you are struggling.
If you are using a prep book to study, pick and choose sections that you need work in. Don’t work cover to cover if you can avoid it. This is a time where studying less might be better for your score.
6. Try to Teach Someone Else
One of the best SAT tips for the Math section is to teach someone else the material. Teaching is one of the best ways to learn. When you teach someone else about a certain topic, you have to ensure that you are confident and accurate. If you aren’t, it will show in your teaching and in the student’s reception of you.
Teaching helps you reinforce your knowledge about a topic, further solidifying your understanding. Using notes or demonstratives in your teaching method will go a long way in this process as well.
7. Time Management
Managing your time is critical to acing the test. Whether it’s adopting a study plan, daily schedule, or an SAT prep routine, managing time is essential to acing the SAT Math exam.
Be realistic about your actions so that you can stay accountable for your goals. This means putting your phone away during study hours, getting enough sleep, and managing your time effectively. Commitment is key when working on your craft, and balance is vital to unlocking your full potential.
8. Seek A Tutor
Preparing for your exam can be daunting, and doing it alone can be intimidating. Of all the tips I’ve provided here, working with a tutor or a study group can be a game-changer. Students looking to improve their scores often find that seeking guidance and working with a tutor can help them understand all the math concepts they need for the SAT.
Mentors are essential, and finding a competent tutor to help you is no different.
9. Prepare In Advance
The last thing you want to do is scramble on the day of the test. Whether it’s your eraser, calculator, a healthy snack, or student/government ID, make sure you have everything ready the night before. This will help you start the day of the exam stress-free.
Some common items won’t be necessary with the new SAT digital format. So, check the requirements before you pack your bag.
10. Don’t Procrastinate
In preparing for the test, don’t leave anything to the last minute. There’s no shortcut that can substitute for the work that needs to be done to be successful in your test. Preparation is key to achieving your goal of scoring high on the SAT Math Test.
9 SAT Math Tips For Taking The Test

1. Read the Questions Carefully
When you take the SAT math section, always remember to read the questions carefully. Rushing through the prompts can lead to careless mistakes, especially when dealing with tricky questions.
To avoid falling into common traps, take the time to understand what each question is asking you to solve for. Consider underlining the question or rewriting what needs to be solved to maintain focus. When time permits, review the questions and underline the necessary parts to ensure you didn’t miss anything.
2. Use A Calculator
The digital SAT allows calculators for the entirety of the math section. While most questions don’t necessitate calculator use, there’s no shame in using it when needed. A calculator can provide peace of mind and ensure correct answers. It helps save time and increases accuracy, especially for those who may struggle with mental math.
For questions involving quadratic equations and linear equations, a graphing calculator can be particularly handy. It allows solving without delving into algebra. Ensure practice with graphing using the calculator ahead of test day.
3. Manage Your Time
Effective time management is crucial for the SAT math section. The test measures your math skills as well as time-management abilities. With 70 minutes for 44 questions in the new SAT, aim for around two minutes per question.
For the calculator section, you have 55 minutes for 38 questions, approximately 104 seconds per question. Prioritize questions strategically and save harder ones for later. Avoid spending an entire minute on each question; aim to be quick to allow time for double-checking and revisiting difficult questions.
4. Answer Each Question
Never leave a question unanswered. The SAT doesn’t penalize wrong answers, meaning guesses don’t hurt your score. Making an educated guess on questions you’re unsure about is better than leaving them blank. For multiple-choice questions, you have a 25% chance of guessing correctly. Stay positive and don’t get discouraged by challenging questions. Keep your cool and conserve energy for questions you can answer confidently.
5. Don’t Waste Time on Questions You Don’t Know
If you come across unfamiliar or challenging questions, avoid wasting time. Make a guess, mark the question, and return to it later if time permits. All questions carry equal weight, irrespective of difficulty level. Answering several easier questions is more beneficial than spending time on challenging ones. Efficient time management allows revisiting difficult questions after completing the rest.
6. Eliminate Wrong Answers
During multiple-choice questions, remember that only one answer is correct. The SAT ensures all incorrect answers are unequivocally wrong, simplifying the elimination process. Logic or calculations can help narrow down options. This method increases the likelihood of identifying the correct answer by eliminating the wrong ones.
7. Choose C If You Don’t Know the Answer
When unsure, start by considering option C. The SAT arranges answers from smallest to largest, simplifying the process of elimination. If C is incorrect and the answer is larger, eliminate options A and B. If the answer is smaller, eliminate D, leaving you to select between B and A.
8. Label Units of Measurement
Amid time constraints, don’t overlook the importance of labeling units in questions. Organization is key to staying focused during tests. Labeling proportions in questions helps prevent confusion and keeps you on track.
9. Underline Key Parts of the Question
Eliminate careless mistakes by underlining key parts of questions. This practice ensures you focus on the essential information required to solve the problem effectively. Highlighting necessary details helps maintain clarity during the calculation process. By underlining relevant sections, you avoid getting lost in the equation and selecting incorrect answers.
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Do SAT Math Strategies & Tips Really Work?

One must acknowledge that obtaining high scores on the SAT Math section is definitely achievable. There are numerous strategies, tips, and shortcuts that can help individuals boost their performance on this specific section. All these hacks and tricks can only be beneficial if you actually put in the effort to study and practice. It is crucial to have a solid understanding of the tested material before diving into these strategies. Make sure you have a robust SAT study plan in place and consider seeking help from a tutor if needed.
Strategic Tips for Efficient Test Navigation
These strategic tips are incredibly effective in improving performance because they help students approach the test more efficiently. When students are able to utilize these strategies, it allows them to navigate through the test more quickly and thus have more time to answer additional questions.
These tips also aid students in arriving at the correct answer even if they are unsure of how to solve a particular problem. Essentially, the SAT math tricks serve as shortcuts that enable students to ‘hack’ the test.
Combining Study and Strategies for SAT Math Success
It is essential to remember that these tips are not shortcuts to replace studying and practice. While these strategies can greatly impact your performance, they are only effective when coupled with a solid understanding of the test material. So, if you are looking to boost your SAT Math scores, make sure you have studied and practiced adequately before employing these tips. Work smarter, not harder!
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